Dig-Equality FF - A playful approach for researching and fostering gender education in secondary schools
- Autor(en)
- Barbara Göbl, Oswald Comber, Johannes Felber, Heinrich Fenkart, Hubert Mayer, Renate Motschnig
- Organisation(en)
- Institut für Lehrer*innenbildung, Forschungsgruppe Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing, StudienServiceCenter Informatik, Forschungsgruppe Workflow Systems and Technology
- Seiten
- 964-967
- Publikationsdatum
- 2021
- Peer-reviewed
- Ja
- ÖFOS 2012
- 102013 Human-Computer Interaction, 102024 Usability Research
- Link zum Portal
- https://ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/de/publications/digequality-ff--a-playful-approach-for-researching-and-fostering-gender-education-in-secondary-schools(af98aa0c-92b0-4452-998d-f73e76c6922f).html