
Judith Goetz, Stefanie Mayer

Today not just Europe but most of the world seems to be haunted by a spectre that’s even less clearly defined and less tangible than the ‘spectre of communism’ Marx famously conjured. Feminism, ‘genderism’, the ‘homo-lobby’ or leftist and liberal elites are today’s bogeymen that unite the vatican, right-wing conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, authoritarian leaders and the far-right. Anti-feminist, anti-queer and anti-LGBTIQ+ positions have become ubiquitous in right-wing campaigns, spanning different religious and secular backgrounds and ideologies. ‘Gender’ – or rather: a specific distorted reading of the term – became a major issue in a variety of seemingly unrelated policy fields including, inter alia, US domestic politics, the Columbian peace process or the Russian invasion of Ukraine.The apparent success of these anti-feminist campaigns – including huge civil society mobilisations in the form of demonstrations and petitions as well as successes at the polls and in referenda – makes them a disquieting topic for gender and sexuality researchers as well as feminist researchers in other disciplines, including political science, the editors’ home discipline. So, in recent years, anti-feminism and far-right gender politics have become important topics at international conferences, a number of leading journals published special issues and a growing number of edited volumes debate different perspectives on the issue. Apart from these broader publications that mostly focus on comparing case studies from different European countries, an immense number of smaller-scale publications are available to readers of different languages. Some authors have focused on the transnational dimension of anti-feminist organising (for example Kuhar and Paternotte, 2017; Korolczuk, 2014), thereby preparing the ground for the more global outlook this publication sets out to provide.

Institut für Geschichte, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
504014 Gender Studies, 506008 Konfliktforschung
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 5 – Geschlechtergleichheit
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